Free Cryptocurrency Widgets

Jay K.

Coin List Widget

<script src=""></script> <gecko-coin-list-widget locale="en" outlined="true" coin-ids="" initial-currency="usd"></gecko-coin-list-widget>

Script copied to clipboard!

Copy & Paste the code in the preferred location on your site. Remember to type the name of any popular crpyto in the coin-ids="". For example, coin-ids="solana, binancecoin"

Coin Price Chart Widget

<script src=""></script> <gecko-coin-price-chart-widget locale="en" outlined="true" coin-id="solana" initial-currency="usd""></gecko-coin-price-chart-widget>

Script copied to clipboard!

Copy & Paste the code in the preferred location on your site. Remember to type the name of any popular crpyto in the coin-ids="". For example, coin-ids="binancecoin"

Crypto Ticker Widget

<script src=""></script> <gecko-coin-ticker-widget locale="en" outlined="true" coin-id="solana" initial-currency="usd"></gecko-coin-ticker-widget>

Script copied to clipboard!

Copy & Paste the code in the preferred location on your site. Remember to type the name of any popular crpyto in the coin-ids="". For example, coin-ids="binancecoin"

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